Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dennis Prager Q & A At University of Denver (Youtube)

Q. What is the greatest single threat to the future of our country?

(Audience:  Obama!)

No, it's not obama. It's not.  If God forbid Pres. Obama would come down with an illness, nothing would change. Nothing. I believe the greatest threat to America - i've believed this my entire adult life -- is that we have not passed on what it means to be American to this generation.


You cannot, look, let me make this, this is not a sweet line, this is meant literally, a society does not survive if it does not have a reason to survive. That's true for individuals, where there is a why there is a how, I hate to tell you who said it, Nietzche, but nevertheless, it remains true, we have lost the why. The greatest generation did not teach my generation what America is. It's not its fault; it wasn't taught. This goes back 100 years to John Dewey, to the importation of professors to American University, to a whole host of issues. The average American who deeply loves America and even has conservative values cannot articulate what those values are.

It is no one's fault, but that is the greatest threat. When we understand the American trinity, in god we trust, e pluribus unum, and liberty, that is uniquely american, it is not European, the French preferred fraternitie, libertie, egalitie, equality, we don't, as I explained in my talk, we believe in equality of birth, but not equality of result.

When it is understood what America stands for, when it is understood that there is a moral dimension to a smaller government, it is not an economic question, it is a moral question. We give for more charity per capita than Europeans do. Why? Are we born better? No. The bigger the government, the worse the citizen. They are preoccupied in Europe with how much time off, where will they vacation, when will they retire. These are selfish questions, these are not altruistic questions.

So the goodness that America created is jeopardized by our not knowing what we stand for. We are our problem.


I just want to add a word here. There will always be a sliver of Americans like Governor Palin's son who enlist and know in their gut because of their home life or because they're special, who know that we have to defend freedom. But the very fact that the United States of America is about to confirm a woman who banned the military from her campus, gives you an idea of how deep this problem is, that that is not disqualifying to Democrats. To Democrats that that is not disqualifying is a moment of darkness in American history.


Obviously i'm in complete agreement with the governor and my colleague. I would just like to add, I have never said this, so I have good credentials to say this now, because it's very common for commentators to say this is the most important election in the history or in our time. I never said that, except in regard to one, with regard to Bush II, term 2, because if we had fled Iraq, the consequences in the world for the ascendance of evil were too frightening to imagine. So i've only said this once before and it was a presidential election. This is not a presidential election, and is the most important in modern american history, this November (applause). This November is a referendum on what we want America to be. It is nothing short of that, and there is one party that stands for American values, and this has nothing to do with patriotism, i'm not attacking patriotic fervor or love of america, it has nothing to do with that. You can love America and be an awful American. You can love your children and be an awful parent. Ok? These things need to be spelled out to the left because they love to distort everything that we say. So the issue is not are you a wonderful wonderful person, or how much you love America. The issue is you have different values than America was founded on. And this is a referendum this November. That is why you must work your tails off, as we are working our tails off. If we do not change both houses, we lose. That is how important it is. (Applause).

Folks, Abraham Lincoln said that America is the last best hope for Earth. That's the way he put it, but we often say for mankind. It will not be the last best hope for mankind if it becomes like Western Europe. Nobody has ever said Norway is the last best hope for mankind. (Laughter) Is that fair to say? And I know that I'll be attacked as anti-Norwegian, because anything that we say is race-based. So with the risk of being considered anti-Scandinavian in my attitudes, let me say that no one says Sweden, Norway, or Denmark is the last best hope of mankind, nor have they said that since 1603 about France. And so, it has only been said about the United States. This is the force for good on this Earth. It is not peace activists that liberated Auchwitz, it is military people who liberated Auchwitz.


 The Left has everything wrong. Everything wrong. And that is what this battle is about. This being the last best hope for mankind. Do we want to be, the left does not want to be, the president does not want to be, he was asked, do you believe in American exceptionalism, do you know what he said, i'm sure you know, he said, I believe in A'n exc'ims, the way a brit believes etc. greek etc., But greeks don't believe in greek exceptionalism, they don't. Except for an exceptional ability to get Germany to bail them out of their problems. That's exceptional, i must admit. But do you realize what that answer means? It means we are not exceptional, iit's about is this a great human experiment, or isn't it?

And finally do we trust the united states to increase good on earth, or the united nations to increase good on earth. the left believes that the un is a greater force for good than the united states. The un just admitted iran to the commission for the status of women. Do you know, this was the first time in 28 years of broadcasting that i could not think of an absurd analogy. because you cannot out-absurd what happened at the un. to elect iran, i can only imagine, maybe.. the only thing i can imagine the iranian delegation to the commission is a new color of veil. and that will be an upgrading in the status of iranian women. this is a country that tortures women that run away from their homes because they don't want to marry etc. etc.

I hope this invigorates you for the greatest struggle in our history. Thank you.

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